“Don't engage,” says the Beloved. “Don't walk away, because then the thoughts will chase you. Treat them like an unwanted friend. Acknowledge them, but don't feed them. Answer them promptly. They will leave on their own.”
Ghost Post explores legacy, and whispers: remember this? Does it matter now? Why?
Brain Turner suggested building a library in Baghdad during the Joiner Institute’s writing workshops in the summer of 2017. “We were poets” (in the words of Deana Tavares) reading on the lawn outside of The Longfellow House.
“Rebuild the House of Wisdom” is an esoteric call to action. It’s a callback to translation efforts of the turn of the last millennium in the Middle East, which eventually spread the knowledge of mathematics and eastern philosophies into Europe.
This website is an echo, a casual calling for creative conversations across disciplines. Engage if you like. It’s informal. There’s no structure or direction at this point. Just do what you do. Do you. If you have artwork, a poem, or some prose on topics of love, labor and loss, share by emailing get@ghostpost.press
Do no harm.
What do we want?
To be loved.
Seek the good.
How will we be loved?
With labor.
Be kind.
What do we expect in return?