Agape Guru Agape Guru

War Drabble Writing Prompts

Often the easiest way to make someone else feel something is to place them in a common scenario. A story takes shape in a reader’s mind as much through what is left out as through what is said. Let’s practice brevity.

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Writing Prompts Agape Guru Writing Prompts Agape Guru

Back to Basics

Identity inspired mayhem makes up some terrifying media. The last century of the last millenium is full of examples of absurd violence against people based on where they live and how they’ve placed their loyalties. Religious, political, ethnic, sexual identities put us at odds as often as they bring us together. Divided into tribes, it’s easy to forget our common humanity.

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Agape Guru Agape Guru

Jose Diaz Examines Poetic Breaks

It’s not all about breath, beats and cadence. When words combine to make a line sound perfect, altering the way a poem breaks on the page changes both the tone and meaning of a poem. Let’s talk about line breaks and prose poetry.

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