
War Drabble (100 Word Stories)

What can you say with 100 words? Hemingway famously tickled heart strings with six: for sale baby shoes never worn. This works as a story because there’s a beginning, middle and a twisted end.

Often memories arise as a series anecdotes. Anecdotes are not stories. So how do we connect moments through text to make meaning? You might write 1000 words without ever finding your story.

For this workshop we will write in short bursts, light and dark stories. We will think how one moment or thought influences another, and also think what we want to communicate. What makes a twist satisfying?

Warrior Writers invites creative military veterans, families and friends for a generative writing workshop at North Eastern Crossing ( Nobody is expected to share what they write, but there will be time to read. This is a generative workshop, so remember to bring a pen and pad of paper. We are planning several revision workshops for later in the fall as well.

Here’s a sample 100 word story:

Give It Up
Franz Kafka

It was very early in the morning, the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station. As I compared the tower clock with my watch I realized that it was already much later than I had thought, I had to hurry, the shock of this discovery made me unsure of the way, I did not yet know my way very well in this town; luckily, a policeman was nearby, I ran up to him and breathlessly asked him the way. He smiled and said: “From me you want to know the way?” “Yes,” I said, “since I cannot find it myself.” “Give it up! Give it up,” he said, and turned away with a sudden jerk, like people who want to be alone with their laughter.

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Complacency Kills Editorial Meeting

Warrior Writers in Boston will print a magazine this winter, working title Complacency Kills. This meeting establishes the roles, workflow, and vision for this project. Please sign into the complacency-kills Slack channel as we divide responsibilities, collate content and establish leadership.

If you need a new access link email

During this meeting we will vote for our Editor, Managing Editor, Art Director and Production Manager. Other titles (Poetry Editor, Prose Editor, Designer, Contributing Editor) will be established toward the end of this process based on interest and commitment. Please submit your nominees for leadership positions through the Slack channel.

In preparation, at the beginning of this meeting we will be doing a two minute writing exercise. Answer the following two questions as honestly as possible for yourself: 1) What are you hoping to get out of this? 2) Why is that important to you?

Our answers to these questions will clarify our individual roles, and help set the vision and ambition for this zine.

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Black Odyssey Boston Writing Workshop part 2

Black Odyssey Boston Writing Workshop part 2

At the Central Square Theater, Studio

This generative writing workshop is led by veterans from Warrior Writers and inspired by themes from Marcus Gardley's play, black odyssey boston. Workshop participants read scenes from the play and Warrior Writers will lead conversations about how the play relates to veterans' experiences.

Generative writing prompts, aimed to inspire free writing exercises, will follow. Warrior Writers invites participants to share their work at the end of the workshop, if they desire. Open to all, at any skill-level: veterans, families of veterans (16 years and older), and anyone interested in exploring the experiences of veterans. For further information email

Participants encouraged to attend either the 3pm matinee before, or the 8pm evening performance after the workshop. Tickets are available here:

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Black Odyssey Boston Writing Workshop

Black Odyssey Boston Writing Workshop

At the Central Square Theater, Studio

This generative writing workshop is led by veterans from Warrior Writers and inspired by themes from Marcus Gardley's play, black odyssey boston. Workshop participants read scenes from the play and Warrior Writers will lead conversations about how the play relates to veterans' experiences.

Generative writing prompts, aimed to inspire free writing exercises, will follow. Warrior Writers invites participants to share their work at the end of the workshop, if they desire. Open to all, at any skill-level: veterans, families of veterans (16 years and older), and anyone interested in exploring the experiences of veterans. For further information email

Participants encouraged to attend either the 3pm matinee before, or the 8pm evening performance after the workshop. Tickets are available here:

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War Poetry: a Warrior Writers' Workout Ten Count

Join Warrior Writers at the Old Oak for a little labor and new writing prompts. We´ll read a few poems by Vietnam Veterans for inspiration, and free write.

Thinking about the works of the last generation of Americans to really trust their government, the Baby Boomers who had just a few views to choose from on the evening news, we will be writing about the past and the future. We will discuss perspective in poetry, and generate some new writing.

For the first hour we will be doing a little yard work to give back to the space before digging into writing prompts around 6:30pm.

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The Old Oak Dojo WORKshop

Join Warrior Writers at the Old Oak for a little labor and new writing prompts. We´ll read a few poems by Vietnam Veterans for inspiration, and free write.

Thinking about the works of the last generation of Americans to really trust their government, the Baby Boomers who had just a few views to choose from on the evening news, we will be writing about the past and the future. We will discuss perspective in poetry, and generate some new writing.

For the first hour we will be doing a little yard work to give back to the space before digging into writing prompts around 6:30pm.

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Suffolk Poetry Center Workshop Series, part 3

The Suffolk University Poetry Center is hosting Warrior Writers for a series of workshops on the art of poetry this fall. These monthly generative writing workshops are designed for veterans to record memories and stories from thier time service and/or at war. Of course attendees are welcome to write about anything. If you have never served in the military or experienced warfare, you're also welcome to come. The series will culminate with a public performance. Stay tuned for details. 

Please RSVP to receive directions to the space and to be added to the attendee list. If you are RSVPing at the last minute, please contact Caleb Nelson directly at

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Warrior Writers Workshop

Join us at the Greenfield Public Library for a Warrior Writers workshop. These creative workshops offer prompts that cover a variety of military issues and experiences to encourage storytelling and the sharing of opinions and ideas for writing, reflection, and artmaking. 

A highlight of these workshops for many veterans is having a space to release bottled-up thoughts and emotions among others who understand, empowering veterans to tell their own stories. By creating an open and accepting atmosphere, we aim to build a supportive community. 

Workshops are for any service member or veteran regardless of their experience with writing, combat, art, deployment, and etc.
Prompts and discussions cover issues and experiences relating to living in a military community, deployment and homecoming of loved ones, relationships, supporting each other, healing, and growth. No previous writing or artistic experience is necessary for participation.

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Suffolk Poetry Center Workshop Series Part 2

The Suffolk University Poetry Center is hosting Warrior Writers for a series of workshops on the art of poetry this fall. This week, Fred Marchant is leading the workshop.

These generative writing workshops are designed for veterans to record memories and stories from their time in service and/or at war but participants are free to write about anything. If you have never served in the military or experienced warfare, you're also welcome.

The final workshop in this series will be held from 6-8pm on Wednesday, November 15th. The series will culminate with a public performance. Stay tuned for details. 

Please RSVP to receive directions to the space and to be added to the attendee list. If you are RSVPing at the last minute, please contact Caleb Nelson directly at

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Suffolk Poetry Center Workshop Series, Kickoff with Fred Marchant

The Suffolk Poetry Center is hosting Warrior Writers for a series of workshops on the art of poetry this fall. These monthly generative writing workshops are designed for veterans to record memories and stories from thier times in military service and/or at war. Of course attendees are welcome to write about other things. If you have never experienced military service or warfare, you're welcome to come. Bring a veteran with you.

Fred Marchant will be leading our opening workshop. Marchant served in the Marine Corps, and he was one of the first officers to be honorably discharged as a concientious objector during Vietnam. He is the author of several books of poetry, including his latest "Said, Not Said," published this past spring. 

The next two workshops are also scheduled on Wenesdays:
October 18th, 6-8p
November 15th, 6-8p

The series will close with a public performance. Stay tuned for details.

RSVP. If you say you're going, we'll direct message you directions to the space and add you to the list.

Last minute attendees must contact Rachel or Caleb directly for directions. We'll be watching the address for inqueries.

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Dojo WORKshop

The Old Oak Dojo has been providing a home base for the Warrior Writersreatreat and workshops for years. The Dojo operates in the spirit of gift culture, which means that they don’t charge fees for our use of the space. 

In August, we invite Warrior Writers who have benefited from the retreat and workshops to volunteer to help us maintain its beauty by participating in Dojo WORKshop, Part 1 and/or Dojo WORKshop, Part 2

The main focus of the day will be on harvesting and planting in the garden beds and chopping and stacking wood. Don't feel obligated to stay for the whole time. Whatever time you can give is appreciated. Bring gloves and wear cloths that you don't mind getting dirty.

We'll also offer a few writing prompts that focus on memoir. We'll be mining our memories for stories about working parties in the military, all those dirty jobs we didn't expect to be doing when we joined.


3PM – Task review and prep
3:30PM – Freewriting time
4PM – Working time
6PM - Wind down, refreshments, and a writing prompt

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Eight Classic Forms: a workshop on poetry of the past and future

In this workshop, Caleb offers a crash course on eight great poetic forms of the past. We will discuss some of the best poems in the English literary canon, and complete at least one poem using a familiar form.

Poets have developed countless forms in English over the centuries, but we only really recognize a few. Writing in these forms can feel a little like completing a crossword puzzle, fun for some, tedious for others. But knowing poetic traditions provides a basis for branching out, and an understanding of what makes a poem successful.

Poetic forms work like blue prints. They offer a proven structure that we can use to format and fill out our thoughts. For a preview of the eight forms to be discussed read Caleb's Poetry Workout Regimen post. 

We don't have a venue locked down yet, but it will be in Cambridge, probably at a coffee shop. Stay tuned for more details.

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Dojo WORKshop

The Old Oak Dojo has been providing a home base for the Warrior Writersreatreat and workshops for years. The Dojo operates in the spirit of gift culture, which means that they don’t charge fees for our use of the space. 

In August, we invite Warrior Writers who have benefited from the retreat and workshops to volunteer to help us maintain its beauty by participating in Dojo WORKshop, Part 1 and/or Dojo WORKshop, Part 2

The main focus of the day will be on harvesting and planting in the garden beds and chopping and stacking wood. Don't feel obligated to stay for the whole time. Whatever time you can give is appreciated. Bring gloves and wear cloths that you don't mind getting dirty.

We'll also offer a few writing prompts that focus on memoir. We'll be mining our memories for stories about working parties in the military, all those dirty jobs we didn't expect to be doing when we joined.


3PM – Task review and prep
3:30PM – Freewriting time
4PM – Working time
6PM - Wind down, refreshments, and a writing prompt

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The Examined Life: a Generative Writing Workshop on Memoir with Michael Anthony

Join Warrior Writers for a workshop on the art of the memoir at The Joiner Institute in the Healey Library at UMass Boston. Author of the award-winning and acclaimed memoirs: Civilianized: A Young Veteran’s Memoir, and Mass Casualties: A Young Medic’s True Story of Death, Deception, and Dishonor in Iraq, Michael Anthony will lead a discussion about nonfiction writing and offer writing prompts to help us begin narratives from our memories.

This workshop focuses on writing true personal stories about conflict. You don't have to be a war veteran to have a story worth telling. But if you do have real war experiences and you want to tell your story honestly, here's your opportunity for inspiration.

Join us on Wednesday, July 26th, 6:30-8:30pm. For more information or to RSVP, contact

Michael’s writing has been called “strong … and starkly honest…”-Publisher’s Weekly, “Dark Humored,” –Kirkus, “smart and mordantly funny,” –Milwaukee Journal, and “gut punching…”–Mary Roach.

He has appeared in several anthologies, and has written for The Washington Post, Business Insider, Signature-Reads, and The Good Men Project, where he served for a year as chief editor of the War & Veterans section. He has been featured in several documentaries regarding military service, philosophy, and comedy, and he has worked as a military consultant for award-winning theater and art installations.

A graduate of Bridgewater State University, Michael also hold an MFA in creative writing from Lesley University. A former US army soldier, he currently lives with his wife in Massachusetts and spends his free time working with veterans. Michael can be reached through his website:

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to Jun 30

Warrior Writers Retreat in Boston

Join us to celebrate our 10th birthday during the Warrior Writers Summer Retreat at the Old Oak Dojo in Boston in conjunction with the 30th annual Writers' Workshop at The William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences! Please register now and check back for more of the schedule as it develops.


We are eager to be hosted by again this year by our friends at the Old Oak Dojo and Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site retreat programming and public readings. We're asking all retreat participants traveling from out of town to arrive in Boston by 2pm on Sunday, June 25th. 

We'll have a retreat orientation and a member gathering to kick off the week around 4pm, along with an introductory facilitator's workshop for travelers and locals interested in facilitating Warrior Writers workshops in their communities. Stay tuned for more details. The retreat will finish with our birthday celebration on Friday afternoon/evening at the Dojo.

During the week, we'll have programming at the Dojo in addition to opportunities for Warrior Writers to participate in programming at the Joiner Institute, including with distinguished faculty of this year's Writing Workshop: Bruce WeiglBrian TurnerFred MarchantSean Davis Author, and others. For more information on the Joiner Institute's full program visit:


The Warrior Writers schedule will be updated below as we confirm events! Current schedule is subject to change and you will need to select ONE master class to attend in advance. Scholarships for additional master classes may be available but are TBD. Highlights for the week include:


• 2pm – Arrive in Boston and travel to the Dojo
• 4pm – Welcome & Orientation (Dojo or Joiner)


• 9:30am – Warrior Writers Programming (Dojo or Joiner)
• 6:30pm – Special Event TBA (Dojo)


• 9:30am – Master Class: Bruce Weigl "Deep Deception: The Art & Craft of the Poem" (Joiner)
• 2pm – Roundtable: Vietnam War & Its Legacy (Joiner)
• 4pm – Joiner Institute Gala (Boston Public Library)


• 9:30am – Master Class: Fred Marchant "A Letter to the World – Epistolary Poems," or Brian Turner (Joiner)
• 2pm – Roundtable: Race, Refugees, and War (Joiner)
• 6:30pm – Warrior Writers Reading (Longfellow House)


• 9:30am – Master Class: Brian Turner, Sean Davis "Write Like Hell (Writing through Trauma)," or Amir Al-Azraki "Re-imagining the Other: Writing without Stereotyping" (Joiner)
• 2pm – Roundtable: Middle East Wars
• 6:30pm – Special Event TBA (Dojo)


• 9:30am – Master Class: Sean Davis "Flash Fiction Writing" (Joiner)
• 12:30pm – Presentation: Vietnamese Writers
• 4pm – Cookout & Potluck Dinner (Dojo)
• 6:00pm – Warrior Writers Birthday Celebration/Reading (Dojo)

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Poetry Performance Workshop with Bob Scanlan and Kevin Bowen

Join Warrior Writers at the Longfellow House - Washington's Headquarters National Historic Site for our last workshop of the season in the carriage house with BOB SCANLAN and KEVIN BOWEN. Bring a poem that you want to revise and perform.

Bob Scanlan, Artistic Director for the Poet's Theater at Harvard University, will lead this workshop on polishing and preforming poetry. To prepare for our reading on June 28th, he will give us insights and techniques for reading our work aloud.

Kevin Bown, author of Playing Basketball with the Viet Cong, will also be there to work with anyone who brings a peom that they're still polishing up.

Fred Marchant will join us for an encour revision workshop on the lawn around 7:30pm.

The National Historic Site preserves the home of Henry W. Longfellow, which also served as George Washington's headquarters during the Siege of Boston. In June, we'll finish the series with a public reading on the lawn in conjunction with our Warrior Writers Retreat in Boston with the Joiner Institute. 

For more information or to RSVP, contact


Sunday, June 25 @ 4pm – Join us at the Old Oak Dojo as we kickoff our Warrior Writers Retreat in Boston! We're celebrating our tenth birthday this week and will have friends traveling in from all over. Help us as we welcome them to Boston and orient them to the space.

Wednesday, June 28 @ 6pm – Warrior Writers reading on the lawn at the Longfellow House featuring BRUCE WEIGL, FRED MARCHANT, LOVELLA CALICA, BRIAN TURNER, SEAN DAVIS, and many more!

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