Complacency Kills

By Craig Roberts

First night in Iraq we got rocketed
seven times in a row. We were all
Told to hit the ground
when the sirens went off
until the bombs stopped

“Complacency Kills” was spray
painted on the walls everywhere
to remind us that the one time
we relax would be the last
when we die

We were mortared and rocketed
many times while I was there
The biggest memory
was when we all gave
up and got complacent

One night the mortars rained
down. Instead of hitting the ground
or running to the bunks
we walked calmly outside
and lit up cigarettes

Looking up to see if I could tell
where the fire was coming from
that night I realized whatever
will happen
will happen

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Craig Roberts

Craig Roberts is a Staff Sergeant in the Massachusetts Army National Guard, with time in active-duty. He deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s a graduate of Bridgewater State University in the history program.


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