Every building has at least one functioning alcoholic and a resident  who's whacked out of their mind. Let's call them The Drunk and The  Eccentric. They both often appear at night and their paths sometimes cross in my lobby. Nothing is better than  listening to those two having a discussion.

The drunk is talking about cooking. He wants to invite the eccentric over for  dinner. The latter interjects eccentric views rape culture.

Drunk: Hey man, you're my neighbor. Wanna come over for dinner. I'm gonna make meatballs.

Eccentric: Really? You cook? Are you clean? Don't be like those Arabs guys. They test how warm the soup is with their finger. Their fucking finger. See how disgusting they are.

D: Yeah man, I brown the meat and add herbs and breadcrumbs.

E: Yeah, those guys, they're disgusting. You can't trust them. I'd never eat there. That's why French women can go to North Africa because they'll get raped. Those Muslims can't handle seeing a woman showing her face (uses scarf to imitate a woman using a niqab).

D: Then I boil the water and make the sauce. 

E: Better tell your mother not to go there. They will see her and rape her.

D: It  tastes pretty good.

For  damn near ten minutes these guys conversed with each other while not  actually talking about the same subject. The Drunk intimately described  how he creates meatballs while the other is claimed, "This is what  happens went women go looking for dick."

These  two are literally having two different conversations, talking past each  other. The contents of one's words does not matter at all to the other's  response.

How does one hear " I mix  breadcrumbs, hamburger and herbs" and respond with "Don't trust North  Africans. They will rape you if you visit." I would love to see the  human thought algorithm that produces such absurdity.

Input: Mariana sauce.

Output: Don't trust North Africans.

What's the psychology behind that? People love to hear the sound of their own voice even if no one is listening.
